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Postdoctoral contracts: Appropriations of Open Knowledge

The Appropriations of Open Knowledge team is recruiting two postdoctoral researchers.

The research framework

The Appropriations of Open Knowledge project aims to understand usages on the OpenEdition platforms by seeking correlations between the content and usages identified in the literature (the long tail, the sleeping beauty, the unexpected reader and the silent conversation). The idea is to closely compare the usages and the editorial and linguistic characteristics of the content in order to develop a typology of the appropriations and citation contexts, so as to identify scenarios involving the propagation and appropriation of scientific information and to describe the literacies of different populations of readers in the dissemination of scientific culture.

For more details about the project, see

1. Postdoctoral position in the Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes (LIS, UMR 7020)


The candidate selected must be able to analyse the OpenEdition logs and associated content using essentially unsupervised digital approaches (classification, segmentation, linkages on the basis of similarities, etc.), in order to build typical user profiles. At a later stage, the contexts of the bibliographic references present in the consulted content will also be analysed in order to establish citation profiles, which, in turn, will contribute to the user profiles.

The various proposed approaches will be associated with those developed by the selected candidate, conjointly with the IMSIC. This will raise the issue of the intersection of digital approaches and symbolic approaches, the exploitation of terminologies in relation to probabilistic models, etc.


The candidate should have a Computer Science PhD in one of the following fields:

  • information retrieval;
  • automatic language processing;
  • text mining, data mining.

He or she should have strong skills in automatic learning approaches, probabilistic methods, and, if possible, graph mining.

The selected candidate will be asked to develop scalabale software tools. Knowledge of Python language would be a plus.

Posting location

The postdoctoral researcher will be posted to the Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes (LIS, UMR 7020 – Informatics and Systems Laboratory):

Aix Marseille Université – Campus de Saint Jérôme – Bat. Polytech
52, av. Escadrille Normandie Niemen
13397 Marseille Cedex 20

The postdoc will also be hosted by OpenEdition Center (USR 2004):

Technopôle de Château-Gombert – Bâtiment C
22, rue John Maynard Keynes
13013 Marseille

The postdoc will work closely with partner teams (USR OpenEdition Center, UMR LIS, EA IMSIC, etc.), and under the supervision of the project researchers. He or she will also need to work closely with the IMSIC postdoc.

The postdoc will be tasked with writing research and synthesis texts to contribute to thinking in this area. These may be published on the OpenEdition Lab research blog ( and in scientific publications.

Contract description

Date available: 1 September 2018

Length of contract: 12 months, full time

Salary: €2,466.38/month (gross)

Qualification: Computer Science PhD

Deadline for applications: 25 April 2018


For further information about the post, please contact

To apply, send a CV and covering letter to and with the subject line Post-doctorant LIS AMidex

2. Postdoctoral position at the Institut Méditerranéen des Sciences de l’information et de la Communication (IMSIC)


The candidate should have a PhD in one of the following areas:

  • Linguistics – Computer Science (natural-language processing, NLP);
  • Computational terminology, or terminology and artificial intelligence;
  • Automatic discourse analysis or lexicometrics;
  • Information retrieval.

He or she should have programming skills (Python, R) and knowledge of methods of text mining and analysis of textual corpora.

Knowledge of information visualization tools (Gephi, etc.) would be a plus.

The selected candidate must be able to speak French, although knowledge of English would also be a plus.


The selected candidate will analyse the contexts in which OpenEdition content is reused and cited:

Research the contexts in which OpenEdition content is reappropriated

  1. Produce a typology of these contexts of appropriation
  2. Write rules to model the identification of these contexts
  3. Suggest methods (theories, tools, approaches) enabling the identification and thus the extraction of these contexts
  4. At the end of the postdoc, deliver a proof of concept (an implemented processing chain).

Posting location

The postdoc will be posted to the Institut Méditerranéen des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (IMSIC – Mediterranean Institute of Information and Communication Sciences):

Aix Marseille Université – IMSIC
21, rue Virgile Marron
13 392 Marseille Cedex 05

The postdoc will also be hosted by OpenEdition Center (USR 2004):

Technopôle de Château-Gombert – Bâtiment C
22, rue John Maynard Keynes
13 013 Marseille

The postdoc will work closely with partner teams (USR OpenEdition Center, UMR LIS, EA IMSIC, etc.), and under the supervision of the project researchers. He or she will also need to work closely with the LIS postdoc.

The postdoc will be tasked with writing research and synthesis texts to contribute to thinking in this area. These may be published on the OpenEdition Lab research blog ( and in scientific publications.

Contract description

Date available: 1 September 2018

Length of contract: 12 months, full time

Salary: €2,466.38/month (gross)


A PhD in one of the following fields:

  • Linguistics – Computer Science (natural-language processing, NLP);
  • Computational terminology, or terminology and artificial intelligence;
  • Automatic discourse analysis or lexicometrics;
  • Information retrieval.

Deadline for applications: 25 April 2018


For further information about the post, please contact:

To apply, send a CV and covering letter to and, with the subject line Post-doctorant IMSIC AMidex

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Élodie Faath (12 avril 2018). Postdoctoral contracts: Appropriations of Open Knowledge. OpenEdition Lab. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse

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